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Pink Lotus Flower


Therapeutic services for children, adolescents, and emerging adults (6 - 23 yrs)


I provide comprehensive assessments, rooted in best practices, for children and youth who have experienced interpersonal trauma, adolescents who have engaged in sexually harmful behaviour, and children under the age of 12 exhibiting concerning sexual behaviour for the purposes of treatment planning.  Please contact me for further details.


I value supporting other helping professionals in their learning and development of expertise. As such, I provide education and case consultation to individuals and professional teams.


Over the past 15 years I have provided training to staff from the Children’s Aid Society, probation officers, foster parents, early childhood educators, masters of social work students and clinicians in the following areas:

Individual Therapy

Has something changed within your child that has both of you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do to make things better?  Children and adolescents often exhibit symptoms of their mental health difficulties through their behaviour, interactions with others, ability to regulate their emotions, and the way they learn.  Therapy can help identify the areas of concern and provide skills and approaches to process past hurts, challenge harmful thinking and behaviour, and regulate their internal states.  All leading to a renewed sense of inner peace.  Areas of concern that I work with include, but are not limited to:​

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